I've wanted to shoot this clip for a long time, but didn't really know a good way to capture it. I tried mounting the FS700 directly onto my snow shovel, but I could not keep it fastened safely and scoop/throw at the same time. Usually, I catch most of my clips unprepared, so my aspirations for getting this fell to the wayside early. It just so happened that I was reading an article on macro photography when I realized that I didn't need MY snow shovel (you know, the one I ACTUALLY use to clear the snow), just A snow shovel. I immediately thought of my kid's tiny red shovel that they would play with when I go out. I was able to hold this shovel underneath and keep both it and the camera steady while I scooped and tossed. Since I was using a wide and macro lens, I was able to fill the frame with what looks like a relatively normal sized shovel. A happy byproduct is that the snowflakes look crisp and large this close to the camera. I also was not counting on the force and energy that the snow displayed when it was tossed. I love how the entire chunk is flung from the shovel before it breaks up.
I wanted this clip to be a companion piece to my
lawnmower and
leaf raking videos. To finish out the series I need a springtime themed POV shot. Feel free to offer your suggestions in the comment section below or on our
Facebook page.
You are welcome to use this video in your projects you are working on, or keep it in your clip library for future work.The only thing you cannot do is turn around and offer it AS stock footage. Have fun with it!
You can preview and download the video file by clicking "read more" below. Happy Downloading!
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This video was shot using a
Sony NEX-FS700 and a
Sigma 24mm f/1.8 EX DG Lens
with a
Metabones EF to NEX Speedboster Adapter