Friday, October 14, 2011

3 Completely Free Stock Footage Clips - 2 Halloween Clips and 1 Traffic Time Lapse

Wanted to get a few more Halloween themed clips up here before it gets too close to the holiday.  I am also including another traffic time-lapse I did, this one being a little more "trippy" than practical, as another thank you for all the traffic this blog has been getting lately.  We now average about 125 people a day coming through here. 

You can preview and download the clips by clicking "read more" below


  1. Thank you! Your moon time lapse shot really helped me on a project.

    1. Elliott,

      No problem, glad I can help. The moon time lapse was done when I was borrowing a friends 200mm lens. I plan to do more once I get a lens with a longer focal length. I'm thinking 300mm would be great! I've also learned a lot since I took this 5 months ago. I hope to have some really cool stuff up in the near future. Thanks for visiting! I hope I can have more useful stuff for you in the future.

    2. Your videos are just what im looking for, I compose music and want to put some on youtube, is this ok to do? ill put a mention back to you thanks.


  2. Your videos are amazing but i'm trying to download spooky trees and can't. when i click on the link it just opens full window and play.

    1. The links are direct to the media files hosted on In theory you should be able to "right click" to bring up a menu in your browser and there should be a selection in that menu to save the "file/target/link" to your computer. On a MAC, I believe you can try holding the Control (CTRL) key before clicking the link. You should then see an option to save the file to your hard drive and use it however you see fit. Hope this helps!!!!

  3. Hey! I've been trying to use your "Road Trip" clip but when I import it into Vegas, it says the runtime is 0 seconds long. I'm new to this whole thing, so I'm wondering if anybody else has mentioned this issue to you, or if it's something on my end.

    I also used your "Record Player" clip and your "LightLeaks" clip without issues.

  4. Hi I would love to download your moon footage for a music video. When I download my Mac does not recognise the file. Any ideas?

  5. Thanks for taking the time of producing this and putting it out there, though it may not be much, I hope to do something similar to give back "to the comunity".

  6. Thanks for the footages, they all look really nice!

  7. Thank you a lot for your share! Helped me a lot in my project. I'll give you the link to my video when I'm done.

  8. Thank you a lot for your sharing! Really helped me a lot for my project. I'll give ou the link to my video when I'm done.

  9. Downloading your video clip Road Trip to use as possible 'police car lights.' Thanks for sharing - Beachfront is awesome !!!!

  10. when I get more cash I'm going to donate... please dont stop doing this.. you have no idea how much it helps
