Saturday, July 27, 2013

1 Clip is For You Cloud Users

Some of you may see this and think to yourself sarcastically "Oh Great, more clouds".  Let me tell you, you WILL have a use for this at some point in your career.  Besides showing the hands of a clock moving, clouds are a great way to illustrate the passing of time.

This clip is a product of me trying out a feature of the Sony FS700 that people may not first care for.  I shot this at 2 fps, which is a little strange since most people will jump to using the slow motion capabilities of the camera.  What is nice vs. my DSLR is I can get an even exposure without shutter variation and the footage is compiled directly in the camera.  I also can shoot FASTER than 1fps which is helpful when I want clouds that are not moving TOO fast.

You can preview and download the clip by clicking "read more" below.  Happy Downloading!

As always, please e-mail, like us or share this on facebook, tweet, google plus, pinterest or do whatever you can to spread the word about this site. Thanks!

This video was shot using a Sony NEX-FS700

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

1 Free Stock Footage Clip is Driving Hard

Got this great macro shot when I unexpectedly had one of my computer hard drives quit on me.  It would try to spin up but it couldn't read anything.  I decided to open it up and capture it before I disposed of it.  What I love most about this shot is the fact that I lit it using a "flash" app on my Google Nexus 7 which I normally use as a preview monitor with the DSLR controller app.

You can preview and download the clip by clicking "read more" below.  Happy Downloading!

A macro image of the internal disk in a computer hard drive

As always, please e-mail, like us or share this on facebook, tweet, google plus, pinterest or do whatever you can to spread the word about this site. Thanks!

These videos were shot using a Canon EOS Rebel T2i and a Sigma 24mm f/1.8 EX DG Lens

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Building a Community

Hey everyone,

I just wanted to take a moment and express how happy I am at how this blog has been growing into something more than a stock footage repository/dump.  I want to thank all of you who have commented, asked questions or passed along links or suggestions.  Doing this by myself has been a great challenge and it is encouraging to know there are people out there benefiting  and finding a real world use for my random clips.  If you haven't already, I hope you would consider joining me on Facebook, YouTube, Twitter (just signed up!), or all 3.  This site has grown thanks to your "likes", "subscriptions" and "re-tweets" and my wish is that it keeps evolving past "just a blog" into more of a "creative community".  I look forward to talking and interacting with you.  Please help yourself to the links below and find us on your preferred social media outlet and please, let your friends, students, teachers and colleagues know!

Follow us on Twitter

Subscribe to us on YouTube

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

1 Clip is a Little Foggy

This clip was taken early in the morning in a very mountainous area of New York State.  I was actually visiting my extended family, not really looking to get any footage.  The area was beautiful and I only had one 16GB memory card on me that had the Magic Lantern Firmware.  This meant that I only could come home with one time lapse (lesson learned!).  This was, I think my 6th attempt at something.  The previous day, I had captured a couple of cloud formations that I thought were nice.  Each time I deleted the contents of the card to capture something "better".  The next morning I woke to the mountainside covered in fog.  So ... I deleted the previous day's time lapse and took a risk.  While I feel it turned out great considering it was shot off of the front porch of my grandmother-in-law's house, I do feel the deep focal length hurt the shot a bit.  The shot was composed between two foreground pine trees on each side of the lens, a home across the street below and power lines in the foreground above.  This far in, it created much more motion that I had hoped for in the shot considering how the background is not established for long.

You can preview and download the clip by clicking "read more" below.  Happy Downloading!

Fog creeps over some trees on the side of a mountain

As always, please e-mail, like us or share this on facebook, tweet, google plus, pinterest or do whatever you can to spread the word about this site. Thanks!

This video was shot using a Canon EOS Rebel T2i and a Canon EF 24-105mm f/4 L IS USM Lens

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

1 Clips Grass is Greener

I really wanted to get a shot like this.  I had a lot of fun mounting the camera.  With the few mounting arms and adjustable grips that I had, I feel it stayed where it needed to be pretty good, considering the amount of force I needed to apply to push the mower through the lawn (that I unfortunately let get a little too long).  Also, watching this in slow motion I noticed that my yard has a pretty high clover to glass blade ratio.  Not something that I would have observed just stepping on the stuff.

You can preview and download the clip by clicking "read more" below.  Happy Downloading!

A manual push lawnmower caught mid-cut as it is cutting the grass

As always, please e-mail, like us or share this on facebook, tweet, google plus, pinterest or do whatever you can to spread the word about this site. Thanks!

This video was shot using a Sony NEX-FS700

Monday, June 17, 2013

Dealing with the light flicker while shooting high speed with the Sony NEX-FS700 - My personal experience and simple fix.

In my short time so far with the Sony NEX-FS700, I have been trying to put it through it's technological paces.  A big part of this testing, and a big draw for most people, is the slow motion capabilities. (Full 1080 HD, 240 frames per second in 8'ish second bursts). 

I want to preface this whole article by stating that the "light flicker" is not something that is wrong with the camera.  It is something that naturally occurs with the usage of artificial/studio lighting powered by AC current.  There is a great in-depth explanation about lighting flicker at high speeds at the Abel Cine website in a FAQ about the Phantom High Speed Camera.

Sunday, June 9, 2013

1 Clip is Raining Supreme

One of the amazing things about slow motion footage is how beautifully chaotic some of the simplest things are. I caught this during a rainstorm the other day and love the razor thin depth of field which allowed me to focus on a part of one leaf.  It was raining pretty hard, but you are able to only see the select few drops that hit this particular leaf.  You are seeing the rain fall at 240p played back at 30 frames per second.

You can preview and download the clip by clicking "read more" below.  Happy Downloading!

Macro focus on a single leaf during a rain storm

As always, please e-mail, like us or share this on facebook, tweet, google plus, pinterest or do whatever you can to spread the word about this site. Thanks!

This video was shot using a Sony NEX-FS700

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

1 Clip Leaves Much to the Imagination

So over the next couple of weeks (and who knows maybe longer), you will be fortunate enough to reap the benefits of my acquisition of a Sony NEX-fs700 camera to play around with.  I feel we've time lapsed ourselves out a little huh?  Get ready for some silky smooth slow motion.

I really like this clip.  There is something very strong and chaotic about it, even though it is slow and fluid.  I was impressed at how much detail came through in the leaves even with the strong backlight of the sun.  There are a lot of people out there who use my footage to accent their writing, music and poetry.  I feel this might be appreciated and helpful in this community.

You can preview and download the clip by clicking "read more" below.  Happy Downloading!

As always, please e-mail, like us or share this on facebook, tweet, google plus, pinterest or do whatever you can to spread the word about this site. Thanks!

This video was shot using a Sony NEX-FS700

Friday, May 31, 2013

2 Clips For All Of You 'Weeners

I'm a little late with these (or very early with them?!?!).  I guess if people celebrate Christmas in July, Halloween in May shouldn't be too far off. 

I managed to film these clips around Halloween of last year and haven't really had much time to put them up considering they wouldn't exactly be topical until next October.  I do want the make sure they are up here in plenty of time for this year's holiday so people can have the opportunity to use them.

You have the option of downloading a PhotoJPEG, H.264 or WMV file. I'd also like to go back and update all of the earlier clips and will do so eventually.  Doing so is a very big time commitment for me with the current processing power of my computer.

You can preview and download the clip by clicking "read more" below.  Happy Downloading!

As always, please e-mail, like us or share this on facebook, tweet, google plus, pinterest or do whatever you can to spread the word about this site. Thanks!

These videos were shot using a Canon EOS Rebel T2i and a Sigma 24mm f/1.8 EX DG Lens

Sunday, May 26, 2013

1 Clip is Cumulus

I managed to capture this time lapse the other day on my quest to film what I call "Toy Story" clouds.  While I believe I got the right conditions, the interval of 1 second between shots seemed too long considering how fast the clouds were moving.  I plan on taking advantage of Magic Lantern's FPS override feature next time to try to get a much more slower, fluid, dreamy like movement.  The only downside is that I will lose the RAW imaging flexibility I get from doing stills.  We'll have to see how far my ND filters and polarizers can balance things.

You can preview and download the clip by clicking "read more" below.  Happy Downloading!

Cumulus clouds rush past the screen an an otherwise sunny day.

As always, please e-mail, like us or share this on facebook, tweet, google plus, pinterest or do whatever you can to spread the word about this site. Thanks!

This video was shot using a Canon EOS Rebel T2i and a Canon EF 24-105mm f/4 L IS USM Lens

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

2 Clips Are Not Exactly Fast and Not Really Furious

I get excited every time I get another idea on what to shoot and offer.  I love using my Sigma lens because of it's macro ability and fast exposure.  Sure there are Canon lenses that have this similar ability, unfortunately I don't have those ...

These clips were shot after I added a clip category tab at the top of the page for "Buildings and Traffic".  I would like to start expanding on certain topics to give my users a variety of shots to choose from when editing their projects.  Many of you have sent me some really great stuff using the traffic time lapses, and I was trying to think of something that could be easily cut between those to better tell a story. 

To get this shot, I was able wedge my camera in-between the dashboard and the steering wheel.  I have a flexible arm with a clamp that is actually holding the camera to the base of the steering column.  This allowed me to drive safely while shooting.  Because I didn't have access the perfectly level roads, our local expressway added a couple of bumps along the way.  I actually exaggerated the camera shake to give the clip a sense of speed and well as mask the unintentional hits to the shot.  

I grabbed the extra seatbelt clip when I was getting out of my car... something I hope someone can use in something like a safe driving PSA.  It may cut nicely with the emergency response clips I have.

Anyways, as always, I hope these clips are helpful and add a little something to your editing toolbox.  

You have the option of downloading a PhotoJPEG, H.264 or WMV file. I'd also like to go back and update all of the earlier clips and will do so eventually.  Doing so is a very big time commitment for me with the current processing power of my computer.

You can preview and download the clip by clicking "read more" below.  Happy Downloading!

The spedometer on the dashboard of a car.
The seatbelt warning light on the dashboard of a car

As always, please e-mail, like us or share this on facebook, tweet, google plus, pinterest or do whatever you can to spread the word about this site. Thanks!

These videos were shot using a Canon EOS Rebel T2i and a Sigma 24mm f/1.8 EX DG Lens

Friday, April 5, 2013

1 Clip Watches from the Rooftop

I offer you a time lapse that I shot during a beautifully overcast day.  You can click "Read more" and I will share the interesting process I had to go through to make this clip usable.  This is also available for the first time as a WebM file for those of you repurposing these clips as backgrounds for your websites.

You can preview and download the clip by clicking "read more" below.  Happy Downloading!

Storm Clouds seen from a rooftop

As always, please e-mail, like us or share this on facebook, tweet, google plus, pinterest or do whatever you can to spread the word about this site. Thanks!

This video was shot using a Canon EOS Rebel T2i and a Canon EF 24-105mm f/4 L IS USM Lens

1 Clip Casts Its Vote

I made this clip for a friends project.  It gave me a chance to test out After Effects "Write On" effect.  It worked out nicely and I have decided to share it with everyone.  I have included both a "Yes" and a "No" vote. 

I do understand that many of the site's visitors may not use English in their projects.  If you are interested in getting the "Yes" and "No" in a different language, please feel free to let me know in the comments below along with the proper spelling/grammar/usage.  I will do my best to customize it to your language and upload it in a timely manner.

You can preview and download the clip by clicking "read more" below.  Happy Downloading!

As always, please e-mail, like us or share this on facebook, tweet, google plus, pinterest or do whatever you can to spread the word about this site. Thanks!

This video was created using Adobe After Effects

Thursday, February 28, 2013

1 Clip Lacks Focus

I was playing around in Adobe After Effects again and wanted to find a way of duplicating the wonderful stock background I am using from the blogger template in animated form.  This clip is a from-scratch creation using default CS5.5 tools.   It is simply a tweaked CC Snow effect paired with a Camera Lens Blur and a Colorized Hue/Saturation effect.  10.5 hours of rendering later and Voila!  Hope you like it!

You can preview and download the clip by clicking "read more" below.  Happy Downloading!

A dark background with out of focus orange light creating a soft bokeh effect

As always, please e-mail, like us or share this on facebook, tweet, google plus, pinterest or do whatever you can to spread the word about this site. Thanks!

This video was created using Adobe After Effects

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

1 Clip is My Way On The Highway

Hello All!

Here is the first Time Lapse I feel comfortable releasing created from my modified (CHDK Hacked) Canon Powershot S95.  

So this clip offered is my travels along my local expressways at night.

You can read about my experience as well as preview and download the clip by clicking "read more" below.  Happy Downloading!

POV of a car traveling on the highway
As always, please e-mail, like us or share this on facebook, tweet, google plus, pinterest or do whatever you can to spread the word about this site. Thanks!

Monday, January 21, 2013

2 Clips are "WALKIN' HERE!!!"

Start spreading the news.....

I was fortunate enough to land myself in New York City a few months ago and managed to bring my camera along.  While performing other duties, I managed to grab a few time lapses that I hope would be helpful to some people.  The first one at dusk is in Manhattan while the second one during the day is across the river in Brooklyn.

As you may know, recently I am pushing the boundaries as far as how many media files I can associate with each clip through  You have the option of downloading a PhotoJPEG, H.264 or WMV file. I'd also like to go back and update all of the earlier clips and will do so eventually.  Doing so is a very big time commitment for me with the current processing power of my computer.

You can preview and download the clip by clicking "read more" below.  Happy Downloading!

As always, please e-mail, like us or share this on facebook, tweet, google plus, pinterest or do whatever you can to spread the word about this site. Thanks!

These videos were shot using a Canon EOS Rebel T2i and a Sigma 24mm f/1.8 EX DG Lens