Wednesday, May 9, 2012

2 Clips are Dandy

Shot these 2 clips while I was on a walk the other day.  The entire walk, I didn't see much that sparked my interest, and these buggers were growing about 10 feet away from where my car was parked.  I really hate these weeds, but nothing signifies spring like dandelions.

You can preview and download the clips by clicking "read more" below.  Happy Downloading!

A dandelion fully bloomed with seeds sits among the grass genly moving in the windMother nature is attacking this dandelion with harsh gusts of wind, trying to get her to move her seeds

As always, please e-mail, facebook, tweet, google plus, pin or do whatever you can to spread the word about this site. Thanks!

These videos were shot using a Canon EOS Rebel T2i and a Sigma 24mm f/1.8 EX DG Macro Lens

Monday, May 7, 2012

1 Clip Needs You To Blow In It

I made this clip the other day for a small project I am toying with.  It was meant to recreate the trippy side effect of a dirty 80's video game cartridge's display when you tried to boot it.  If anyone here isn't old enough to remember, the remedy was blowing into the cartridge to get the dust and junk off of it.

You can preview and download the clip by clicking "read more" below.  Happy Downloading!

Video Game graphical glitch

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This video created using

Saturday, May 5, 2012

1 Clip is Just a Phase

I had my first chance to get another time lapse of the moon.  My first one I did was with a 200mm Canon EOS lens I had borrowed from a friend.  This one I did with my old Tokina Minolta mount 200mm lens, and the MD to EOS adapter.

If you compare the two, you can see how much I have learned over the past few months.  Here's to better quality videos for everyone!!!  You will also notice I am testing my ability to upload different file formats to  You have a selection below between H.264, Quicktime PhotoJPEG or Avid DNXHD (almost 1GB in size!)

You can preview and download the clip by clicking "read more" below.  Happy Downloading!

Full Moon still image from a time lapse video

As always, please e-mail, like us or share this on facebook, tweet, google plus, pin  or do whatever you can to spread the word about this site. Thanks!

These videos were shot using a Canon EOS Rebel T2i and a Tokina AT-X 35-200mm Minolta Lens using the Fotodiox MD-EOS Lens Mount Adapter for Canon DSLR

Saturday, April 28, 2012

2 Clips are First Responders

I was fighting with my conscience on shooting this footoage.  There was a traffic accident near my house that was drawing a crowd.  I mentioned to my wife that I had always thought that offering footage of emergency vehicles would be a good idea since the footage is used in PSAs and other well meaning media. My idea was to stop by fire halls or police stations and ask for close-ups of some of the vehicles, or ride-along on trainings, not poach real accidents.  I decided that if I shoot with a focus not so much on the detail, but the feel of the scene, I would be able to sleep at night.  This would make a great background for informational text in videos, or to set the mood for more serious projects.  I have included a clean shot, and well as one that is a little more "voyeuristic".

This was also the test run for my old 35mm MD mount lens using my new adapter for my T2i.  I think it looks pretty good!

You can preview and download the clips by clicking "read more" below.  Happy Downloading!

Fire truck and fire fighters respond to a rescue call. Shot with the background out of focus with foreground branches in focus.  Voyeuristic.Fire truck and fire fighters respond to an accident.  Shot slightly out of focus.  For use as a background image or video

As always, please e-mail, facebook, tweet, google plus, pin or do whatever you can to spread the word about this site. Thanks!

These videos were shot using a Canon EOS Rebel T2i and a Tokina AT-X 35-200mm Minolta Lens using the Fotodiox MD-EOS Lens Mount Adapter for Canon DSLR

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

1 Clip is Watching the Tide Roll Away

I found this dock and a few next to it on a walk to other day.  I love at how rusty the rails are and the clouds were just perfect. 

I did this HDR shot a little differen by processing the images twice.  The second pass with the original files, I offset the whole series by 1.  This gave me twice as many frames to work with.  I will try to detail this process in another post, but it has gotten me excited about doing more.

You can preview and download the clip by clicking "read more" below.  Happy Downloading!

A Time Lapse Video of an abandoned dock on the Genese River

As always, please e-mail, like us or share this on facebook, tweet, google plus, pin  or do whatever you can to spread the word about this site. Thanks!

This video was shot using a Canon EOS Rebel T2i and a Sigma 24mm f/1.8 EX DG Lens