Showing posts with label Backyard. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Backyard. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

1 Completely Free Stock Footage Clip Blows

I had much different expectations when I tried to capture this clip.  Working again with my macro lens and it's razor thin and shallow depth of field, it became very obvious that I would need an extremely controlled environment in order to capture what I originally wanted.  What is here, while not what I planned, is the organized chaos you find in a lot of projects that wish to depict kind of "dream-like" emotions.

Honestly, I can't take credit for this one.  None of the stuff here was intentional.  The shifting depth of field wasn't due to camera work, but from the movement of the dandelion while it was being blown and held.  The shot also looks handheld, but it is on a tripod.  I discounted it the minute it wrote to the the SD card and didn't even look at it for a while after, just moved on to the next idea.  When things slowed down and I had a chance to sit down, I was very pleased at what I found.  Everything is working against itself, and you know what, it works! Hope you can use it!

You are welcome to use it in your projects you are working on, or keep it in your clip library for future work.The only thing you cannot do is turn around and offer it AS stock footage. Have fun with it!

You can preview and download the video file by clicking "read more" below.  Happy Downloading!

extreme close up of a dandelion and it's seeds, the background is heavily out of focus

As always, please e-mail, like us or share this on facebook, tweet, google plus, pinterest or do whatever you can to spread the word about this site. Thanks!

This video was shot using a Sony NEX-FS700 and the Sigma 180mm F2.8 EX APO DG HSM OS Macro with a Metabones EF to NEX Speedboster Adapter

Thursday, April 30, 2015

2 Free Stock Footage Clips Are Over the Hill

Ever since I first tried my macro lens, I knew I wanted to try getting a shot like this. I happened to notice a few ant colonies popping between up my backyard patio stones, saw the sun was hitting them perfectly, ran and got my camera and viola!

You can see the ants are busy carrying sand out of the hill, they must still be in the early building stages. The clips are from 2 separate hills. The lens crates a razor thin depth of field. From some of the shots I took, ants would turn sideways, and I couldn't get their entire body in focus. I am thankful for the FS700's "End Trigger" ability which allows me to capture the footage at 240p AFTER I've seen the action. I waited around for these buggers to hang out in the "sweet spot" for long enough that I felt like it could be a usable clip. If you look closely in the background of both clips, you can see that there is actually a lot of commotion, the focus drops off so quickly though that it is tough to focus on all of it.

I hope you enjoy these two clips. You are welcome to use them in your projects you are working on, or keep them in your clip library for future work.The only thing you cannot do is turn around and offer them AS stock footage. Have fun with them!

You can preview and download the clips by clicking "read more" below. Happy Downloading!

As always, please e-mail, like us or share this on facebook, tweet, google plus, pinterest or do whatever you can to spread the word about this site. Thanks!

These videos were shot using a Sony NEX-FS700 and the Sigma 180mm F2.8 EX APO DG HSM OS Macro with a Metabones EF to NEX Speedboster Adapter

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

1 Clip is for the Birds

This video file I am offering to you is actually a collection of 8 clips. This bird you see was having a fun time coming to the feeder and then jumping away (back to his/her nest maybe?). ANYWAYS, It was taken in the early AM as you can see a rather pastel color palette in the background. The depth of field is fairly short, but the little bugger is in it more often than not.

You can preview and download the clip by clicking "read more" below.  Happy Downloading!

bird flying to and from a feeder in the early morning

As always, please e-mail, facebook, tweet, google plus or do whatever you can to spread the word about this site. Thanks!

Friday, December 16, 2011

1 Clip Refuses to Leave

I had this clip for a while, debating on whether or not I should post it.  I caught this leaf that was refusing to fall thanks to a helpful spider web.  Originally I didn't feel this was generic enough to be considered "stock footage".  But then I realized that this may be helpful to people as an opening credit/closing credit clip.  Something kind of like what the feather does in Forest Gump ... except less destination oriented.  Anyways, it is pretty peaceful.  Continue pass the break to give it a watch!

You can preview and download the clip by clicking "read more" below.  Happy Downloading!

Autumn leaf floating in the air royalty free

As always, please e-mail, facebook, tweet, google plus or do whatever you can to spread the word about this site. Thanks!

Thursday, December 1, 2011

1 Clip Dials it in

Saw this Sundial the other day and thought it would make a great time lapse.  I completely underestimated how slowly the sun moves vs. how often I took a picture.  I managed to fill up my card without the sun making much of a trip around the dial.  I plan on taking another one when I make my way out to this dial, but I only visit this area 1-2 a year.  Anyways, it is still a cool effect, and a great way to show passing time.

You can preview and download the clips by clicking "read more" below.  Happy Downloading!

sundial catching the days sun royalty free

As always, please e-mail, facebook, tweet, google plus or do whatever you can to spread the word about this site. Thanks!

Sunday, October 16, 2011

3 Clips Make Like a Tree

Went out the other day and wanted to catch the leaves changing for some fall footage.  I wish I could have gotten more, but the clouds came and it started raining.  The unpredictability of the season I guess huh?

You can preview and download the clips by clicking "read more" below.  Happy Downloading!

Just a reminder that you can sign up for e-mail notifications to the right of these postings so you can be updated whenever I post some new videos.  Also please e-mail, facebook, tweet, google plus or do whatever you can to spread the word about this site.  Thanks!

This video was shot using a Canon EOS Rebel T2i and a Canon EF 50mm f1.4 USM Lens

Saturday, October 1, 2011

2 Clips Wish You a Happy October!

Hey Everyone!

Happy October.  While putting together some Fall/Halloween themed clips, I got this great shot that happened by accident.  I was just trying to get footage of spiderwebs, but someone wanted a starring role.

Check it out!

I also wanted to post this looping background.  I'd like to think this is what it would look like if Al Borland created graphic elements for the Red Green Show.  

Enjoy and Happy Downloading!

Also please do the site a favor and share these links on Facebook, Twitter or Google +1 me using the buttons below.  THANKS!

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Random Footage: Clip 1

Shot this the other day, and don't really have a release theme for it. I have decided to pepper into my other posts, some random individual clips.  Who knows, maybe we have a recurring segment started.
